A Screw on Champignon: 腰圍
Good luck to Hong Kong.
4 years ago
Personally, I regard bureaucratization as an endemic mental disease of the highest contagiousness and high susceptibility. Very few people seem to be immune. Age obviously offers no protection, on the contrary young people may be hopelessly affected from the very beginning of their administrative careers. The splitting up of the unity of the human being into categories, the establishment of water-tight compartments between service organizations, the growth of paper and desk decisions, promotion based on years of experience instead of on qualifications and qualities, all these must be regarded as malignant tumours in the health services of today, not to speak of the belief which always grows in any bureaucracy that problems can be solved by circulars and regulations instead of by field work. To my mind bureaucratization is the greatest instrinsic enemy of any service organization dealing with human beings and their problems.有人曾說過在政府工作是消磨創意,一個大學生加入政府兩三年之後,就會失去了創意。同時,我也聽過一個廣告人說,年過三十後,思考的方法會進入一個既定的模式,漸漸失去天馬行空的創造力,所以大多創意無限的廣告都是出自廿多歲小伙子的手筆。
Evang, Karl (1960), Health service, society, and medicine. Present day health services in their relation to medical science and social structures. London (Oxford University Press), 139